I miss my people! I'm so excited that the state of Georgia is transitioning back to being open.  I know not everyone feels this excitement as we transition to our new normal and I understand all the reasons why they are hesitant.  But that is not hindering my excitement and anticipation of being able to be back in business and being able to see my people again!  I do feel it's so important that we don't judge anyone for the decisions they make for their families and businesses whether that is to continue to stay home or to venture out by following the guidelines given to us.  I'm committing to "proceed with caution" and I'm praying that is how we all approach the upcoming weeks.  I'm also completely giddy that "proceed with caution" is better than "stop"!

I have watched businesses and clients all across our great nation maneuvor  through this intensely, crazy time in our country. I have witnessed perseverance, scrappiness, creativity and patience.  My community is so special to me and I feel like my community has grown to a national level.  Brainstorming with other business owners from all over and seeing how others pull themselves up by their "bootstraps" to fight to stay in business, has been so inspiring.  My husband always reminds me that "necessity is the mother of invention" (-Plato) and that is a truth that I have witnessed again and again during this last two months.

As a business owner, I have not always made the best decisions and have so much to learn to be more "businessey".  I'm ready to learn and my ears and eyes are open. So many lessons have been taught to me in the last 6 weeks, lessons about myself, my business and what I want my life to look like.   Having quiet time to reflect and remember why I started this business has been so valuable.  It has also reminded me what my strengths are and where I need lots of help!  

I'm so fortunate to have a team of women who brainstorm with me and listen to my crazy ideas and tell me their crazy ideas.  This is what helped me stay afloat during these times.  

InspireDesigns isn't about me, it's not even just about jewelry, it's always been about...

faith, teamwork, creativity, charity and community.

God's path for me has always been his path and when I try to wander off, it never works.  I am putting my trust in him and, as he's bringing the light at the end of the tunnel in view, I'm embracing what he has in store for me when the light arrives! As we "proceed with caution", join me in praying for our state, our country, it's leaders, and the people of this great nation that are working so hard to fight our way back to our new normal. 

 love and hugs, Sherri 

