Welcome to my blog!
Public Service Anouncement:
(Please don’t think I’m screaming at you! I’m just enthusiastic!)
Second Public Service Announcement:
I’m not a great writer…..I’m terrible at grammar……I’m not focused at all …….
BUT……I have a lot to talk about and think it will be fun to share some of my crazy, blessed, fulfilling life with y’all!
My goal for this blog will be to share the things I have learned in my life about being a Mom, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Jewelry Designer and Woman Entrepreneur. I’ll Share things that I learn from my super smart and handsome husband about how to handle business decisions that are over my head! I’ll try and share the insight that I have gained from raising 3 awesome kids and being married for 28 years. I might throw in some lifestyle tips, shopping tips oh, and maybe, teach you a thing or two about accessorizing J.

50 years is a lot of time to make mistakes and learn from them and I can’t wait for us to get to know each other!
Who am I? I’m pretty basic J! Like to keep it simple!! And, again, I really love exclamation points!!!
Stay tuned to learn more about my life, my business and my crazy!
love and hugs,